Terms and Conditions

Please read this Terms of Service (“Terms”) carefully. By using the Platform (as defined in Clause 1.2 )
and the Services (as defined in Clause 2.1 ), you agree to be bound by these Terms.

Last Updated: 14 Jul 2023

1. Parties to these Terms

1.1 These terms form a legally binding agreement between you, in your capacity as Customer (the “Customer”, “you” or “your”), and CASG Advisory Services Pte. Ltd. doing business as “Pocket Advisor” (“we”, “us”, “our”, “PA”) (you and PA are collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and each a “Party”).

1.2 The Terms shall govern your use of the PA website, at www.pocketadvisor.com, including any subdomains thereof, and any other websites through which PA makes its services available, our mobile, tablet and, where applicable, other smart device applications, and application program interfaces (collectively, the “Platform”) and the Services as described in Clause 2.1 below.

1.3 By accessing our Platform and opening an Account (defined in Clause 3.3 ) with us, you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the Terms. The headings contained in this document are for reference purposes only and are not to affect the construction of these Terms.

1.4 By clicking to accept these Terms, you are deemed to have executed these Terms electronically.

2. Services

2.1 The services provided through our Platform are listed under our “Services” section https://yourpocketadvisor.com/ (“Services”) and are available in packages (“Packages”) depending on the
duration and type of Services you would like to subscribe for.

2.2 We cannot guarantee the continuous or uninterrupted availability or accessibility of the Platform or the Services. We may restrict the availability of the Platform or the Services, or certain areas or features thereof, if necessary without notice. We may improve, enhance and modify the Platform and the Services from time to time. To the extent legally permitted, we exclude all implied warranties, terms and conditions. We are not liable for any loss of money, goodwill, or reputation, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of your use of Platform or the Services.

2.3 The Platform is intended to provide information and guidance from practical experience
working at professional firms and in-house at various organisations. The Services do NOT constitute legal, accounting, tax or any other form of professional advice and are not intended to be a substitute for such professional advice. If you need such professional advice, you should consult with a relevant professional and we may be able to refer you to one if you ask us.

3. Eligibility; Account Creation; Member Verification

3.1 Eligibility of Customer.

(a) By creating an Account in accordance with Clause 3.3 , a Customer makes the following representations and warranties, which are repeated at all times during which these Terms are in force:

  1.  in a case where the Customer is an individual, the Customer is at least eighteen (18) years old and capable of entering into a legally binding contract;
  2. in a case where the Customer is a corporate entity, the Customer has full corporate power and authority to enter into this agreement with us, provide all information required to be provided under this agreement and to consummate all transactions contemplated under this agreement;
  3. the email address and mobile telephone number provided are valid and verifiable, and the Customer (or its representative registering and accessing the Platform on behalf of the Customer) has sole control over them;
  4. the physical residential and delivery address provided are true and genuine; and
  5. the Customer is an authorised holder of an eligible debit card, credit card or other payment method as may be accepted by us from time to time (“Payment Method”).

3.2 We reserve the right to deny, suspend or terminate the provision of the Services or to
restrict, suspend or terminate access to the Platform of any Customer at our sole
discretion should we discover any circumstances that may cause the representations
and warranties under Clauses 3.1 to be inaccurate.

3.3 Account.

a. Any Customer wishing to access the Platform must create and register a password-protected account on the Platform (“Account”). You will be required to provide such information as may be required by us from time to time, including details relating to your Preferred Payment Method (defined in Clause 4.1(a) ). Customers holding an Account with us shall be referred to as “Members”.

b. Each Member may only hold one Account in its capacity as a Customer.

c. Each Member agrees to:

  1. promptly provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as may be prompted by any registration forms or otherwise requested by us from time to time (“Registration Data”);
  2. your access to the Services and the Platform may be suspended until the requested Registration Data is provided;
  3.  maintain the security of your password and Account login details and to immediately inform us of any potential compromise of your password or login details;
  4. be solely responsible for all activities that occur within your Account, whether or not authorized by you and all transactions initiated through your Preferred Payment Method (defined in Clause 4.1(a) );
  5.  maintain and promptly update the Registration Data, and any other information you provide to us, to keep it accurate, current and complete at all times;
  6. promptly notify us regarding any material changes to information or ircumstances that may cause the representations and warranties made under Clauses 3.1 to be inaccurate;
  7.  be fully responsible for all use of your Account and for any actions that take
    place using your Account;
  8. immediately inform us upon any suspicion of fraudulent activities relating to your Preferred Payment Method (defined in Clause 4.1(a) ) and to allow us to share such information with third party service and payment providers for the purposes of reducing further fraudulent activities;
  9.  immediately notify us if you become aware of any suspected or actual or suspected loss, theft, fraud, or unauthorized use of your Account and Account password (“Security Breach”);
  10.  ensure that your Account is used in a responsible and lawful manner in accordance with applicable law and to mitigate any risks of your Account’s involvement in any prohibited activities described in Clause 7 ; and
  11.  comply with all our policies which we notify you from time to time.

d. We may terminate or suspend your Account in the event of a Security Breach, provided always that you shall remain responsible for any actions taken through the use of your Account before such termination or suspension. WE SHALL NOT BEAR ANY LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSSES OF ANY KIND THAT YOUMAY SUFFER AS A RESULT OF A FAILURE TO MAINTAIN THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF YOUR PASSWORD OR BY PROVIDING ACCESS TO YOUR ACCOUNT TO ANY PERSON OTHER THAN YOURSELF OR AS A RESULT OF A SECURITY BREACH.

3.4 Verification and Other Checks.

a. For Customers. You authorize us to make, directly or through third parties, any inquiries necessary to verify your identity and to assess your capability to make payments in accordance with the Instalment Payment Structure (as defined in Clause 4.1(c) ). You further agree and authorise us to share such information with any company or business entity that is our subsidiary, our holding company or a subsidiary of our holding companies (our “affiliates”) or any other third party as may be relevant or necessary to carry out the above assessment.

b. We do not assume any responsibility for the confirmation of any Member’sidentity. Notwithstanding the above, for transparency, fraud prevention, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing purposes, and as permitted by applicable laws, we may (i) ask Members to provide a form of government identification or relevant constitutional documents as the case may be, or other information or undertake additional checks designed to help verify the identities or backgrounds of Members, (ii) screen Members against third party databases, lists of prohibited countries, territories, entities and individuals including lists maintained by the United Nations, or other sources; (iii) request reports from service providers, and (iv) where we have sufficient information to identify a
Member, obtain reports from public records of criminal convictions, tax offences or sex offender registrations or an equivalent version of background or registered sex offender checks in your local jurisdiction (if available).

3.5 We may make access to and use of the Platform, or certain areas or features of the Platform, subject to certain conditions or requirements, such as completing a verification process, meeting specific quality or eligibility criteria, your repayment history and such other operating processes as may be imposed from time to time. The access to or use of certain areas and features of the Platform may therefore be subject to separate policies, standards or guidelines, or may require that you accept additional terms and conditions, before you can access the relevant areas or features of the Platform. If there is a conflict between these Terms and such additional terms and conditions as may be applicable to a specific area or feature of the Platform, the latter terms and conditions shall prevail with respect to the subject matter, specific area or feature as specifically addressed in such terms and conditions, unless specified otherwise.

4. Package Selection and Payment Details

4.1 When opening an Account, you will be required to:

  1. select your desired Package;
  2. identify a Payment Method for your Account by providing the Payment Method;
  3. indicate your preferred Payment Method (“Preferred Payment Method”) which means: (1) where you have provided more than one Payment Method, the Payment Method that you indicated as your preference; or (2) where you have
  4. expressly consent to, authorise and instruct us to initiate the relevant payments to us, including recurring debit card, credit card or other payment transactions from the Preferred Payment Method in relation to purchases made in connection with your Account under an instalment payment structure reflecting the selected Package under the “How It Works” section https://yourpocketadvisor.com (“Instalment Payment Structure”) and you shall execute any and all authorizations and documents as may be required by us to authorise the recurring payments.

4.2 You shall be responsible for ensuring that you have sufficient funds available in relation to your Payment Method(s). You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for all fees charged by the financial institution associated with making payments through the Payment Method.

4.3 You must update your Account with any and all changes to any information relating to your Payment Method(s) by logging into your Account. If you do not update your Account with such changes, we will not be liable for any losses, fees and charges that you may incur in relation to your failure to do so, including being subject to a Suspension as described under Clause 5 .

4.4 The length of your billing cycle will depend on the Instalment Payment Structure. In some cases, your payment date for each instalment payment may change, for example, if your Payment Method has not worked / needs to be updated. In some cases, the amount of each instalment payment may change, for example, if you decide to upgrade your Package (see Clause 4.6 ).

4.5 Upon selecting a Package, you shall be entitled to use the Services for the duration of that Package. At least 14 days before the expiry of that Package, you will receive a written notification (by email) asking you if you would like to renew that Package or switch out to a different Package. If you do not respond to such notification, your Package will expire on the last day of that Package and while you can still access the Platform, you will not be entitled to use the Services until you have subscribed for the same or a different Package.

4.6 During the course of using a Package, you cannot switch to a different Package save for upgrading to a Package that is for a longer duration and/or for an increased scope of Services. If you decide to switch to an upgraded Package, you will be taken to have started a fresh subscription (and billing cycle) of that upgraded Package from the date of such switch. You will no longer be charged under the old Package from the date of such switch.

4.7 You can cancel your Package or Account at any time but such cancellation will only take effect at the end of the relevant billing cycle. Up till then, you will continue to have access to the Services.

4.8 We reserve the right to change the nature our Packages and prices from time to time PROVIDED THAT any new changes will not apply to your existing Package. You will be given written notification (by email) of such changes and the changes will only apply to any renewal or fresh subscription of a Package.

4.9 To the extent permitted by the applicable law, all payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial membership periods or unused Services.

5. Account Suspension

5.1 We may suspend, block, restrict access to or close an Account (“Suspension”, and the term “Suspended” shall be construed accordingly) at any time and for any reason without a Member’s consent or prior notice. Without prejudice to the foregoing, we may, among others:

(a) suspend or deactivate a Member’s Account if any instalment payment pursuant to the Instalment Payment Structure is not received for whatever reason; and

(b) close or permanently terminate a Member’s Account if:

  1. we become aware that a Member has breached any terms in these Terms;
  2. we become aware that a Member Account is being used by a third party,has been compromised in any way whether as a result of your actions orotherwise or is in risk of a Security Breach; or
  3. if we consider that a Member is using the Account or the Services inappropriately, illegally or in a manner inconsistent with these Terms or any applicable law.

5.2 A notice will be sent to the Member by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Member when creating the Account with us to inform the member of the Suspension, and if applicable, what instalment payment(s) have been missed or declined.


5.4 Reactivation of Member’s Account

  1. In order to reactivate a suspended Member’s Account, the Member will be required to pay any amounts due to us as well as any administration fees charged by us in our sole discretion in relation to the Suspension of the Member’s Account (“Administrative Charge”). If the Member provides reasonable evidence to us that the Account is subject to Suspension as a result of error, system failure or a Security Breach caused by third parties outside the Member’s control, we may waive the Administrative Charge and reactivate the Member’s Account at our sole discretion upon considering copies of the relevant records provided by the Member.
  2. Notwithstanding that a Member has successfully reactivated an Account after being subject to a Suspension, we may, at its discretion, limit, restrict, suspend or terminate your access to the Platform, whether temporarily or permanently.

5.5 If a Member is subject to a Suspension, we may revise the terms of your use of the Instalment Payment Structure, including changing the amount and due date of each instalment payment payable by a Member under the Instalment Payment Structure, even after you have successfully reactivated the Account and have paid all outstanding fees.

6. Account Termination

6.1 You may request to close your Account at any time by contacting us at [email protected]. Your request may take up to thirty (30) business days to process.

6.2 Your request to close your Account will be denied if:

  1.  any amounts or payments are outstanding or due to us, including under the Instalment Payment Structure or Administrative Charges. we will not close your Account until all outstanding payments have been made, but we may limit your ability to use your Account for further transactions;
  2. you are subject to an investigation, including in relation to the use of the Services or the Instalment Payment Structure; or
  3.  there is any pending dispute between you and

6.3 You will remain liable for all obligations related to your Account even after your Account is closed. We will retain your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and any applicable law, rule or regulation.

7. Prohibited Activities

7.1 We will not provide the Services for any transaction which is prohibited by applicable laws and regulations or violates our internal policies, or which will result in us being considered to have breached any applicable laws. In particular, we will not provide the Services if you are using the Platform in relation to any persons, goods or services prohibited or restricted under applicable laws and regulations, listed in Annex A of these Terms, which may be updated by us from time to time (“List of Prohibited Entities, Goods and/or Services”).

7.2 You agree not to use the Services for any unlawful or fraudulent activity and to immediately contact us if you believe that your Account may be subject to any unlawful or fraudulent activity. By using the Services, you agree that you will not and will not assist or enable others to do any of the following:

  1. breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations, agreements with third- parties, third-party rights, or agreements with us, including these Terms;
  2. provide false, inaccurate or misleading information to us;
  3. provide information belonging to any person other than yourself;
  4. use an Account that belongs to another person for yourself or on behalf of another person unless expressly authorised;
  5. use any device, software, routine, file or other tool or technology, including any viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs or cancelbots, intended to damage or interfere with the Services or to surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information from the Services;
  6. take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure, including denial of service attacks, “spam” or any other such unsolicited overload technique;
  7. commit unauthorised use of the Services, including unauthorised entry into our systems, misuse of passwords, or misuse of any information posted to the Services; or
  8. open or use multiple Accounts.

8. Intellectual Property

8.1 All content included in or made available through the Services, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, digital downloads, data compilations, and software is protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights (including intellectual property rights) are owned by us or our affiliates. The copying, redistribution, use or publication by you of any part of the Services, unless expressly permitted in these Terms, is strictly prohibited. Use of the Services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in any of the content, documents or other materials you access. The posting of information or materials on the Services does not constitute a waiver of any right in such information and materials. For the avoidance of doubt, the use of the term “software” herein shall include its respective components, processes and design in its entirety.

8.2 If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please contact us at [email protected].

8.3 We aim to respond quickly to the concerns of any alleged infringement and we reserve the rights to terminate repeat infringers’ access to the Platform.

8.4 The trademarks, service marks and logos (the “Trademarks”) used and displayed on the Services are registered and unregistered Trademarks belonging to us. Other trademarks, service marks and trade names may be owned by others. Nothing on the Services should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark or any other PA intellectual property displayed in relation to the Services. The name “Pocket Advisor” and any other Trademarks shall not be used in any way, including in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of materials on the Services, without prior written permission from us.

9. Transfers or Assignments

9.1 You shall not transfer or assign any rights and obligations you may have under these Terms without our prior written consent.

9.2 We may transfer, assign or novate these Terms, and any rights, obligations and conditions under these Terms, to a third party without your consent or notice.

10. Changes to these Terms

10.1 We may vary or amend these Terms from time to time without requiring express or implied consent and without prior notice of such variations or amendments. Such variations or amendments to these Terms shall be effective upon such updated version being uploaded on the Platform under this “Terms of Service” section https://yourpocketadvisor.com/. You agree that it shall be your responsibility to monitor the Platform for any changes to these Terms. Your continued use of the Services after such variation or amendment of these Terms will constitute your acceptance of such variation or amendment.

10.2 You shall not amend these Terms.

11. Dispute Resolution

11.1 In the event of a controversy, dispute or claim between the Parties arising from or relating to these Terms or the enforcement of any provision of these Terms or the Privacy Policy (a “Dispute”), Parties shall first:

  1. issue a written notice of the Dispute (“Notice”) to the other Party; and
  2. attempt to resolve such Dispute for at least thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of such Notice.

11.2 Your address for such Notices is the email address you have provided in your Account. Our address for such Notices is [email protected].

11.3 All Notices must include:

  1. name of the Party issuing the Notice;
  2. Account information, including the login name of the Account of the Party issuing the Notice;
  3. a brief description of the Dispute; and
  4. contact information of the Party issuing the Notice.

11.4 If the Parties are unable to resolve the Dispute by negotiation in accordance with Clause 11.1 above within thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of such Notice, the Dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) under the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre in force at the time the notice of arbitration is submitted, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this Clause 11.4 . The appointing authority shall be the SIAC. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

12. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

12.1 Except as expressly provided otherwise, these Terms, and all non-contractual matters arising from or in connection with these Terms, are governed by, and will be construed under, the laws of Singapore.

13. Limitation of Liability

13.1 To the extent permitted by law, under no circumstances shall we or our affiliates, employees, officers, representatives, the assignee and any third parties providing services for or on behalf of us (the “Indemnified Parties”) be liable to you for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages (whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise), arising out of or relating to the use of the Platform or of opening an Account on the Platform, the use of or inability to use an Account, the use of the Payment Methods, the use of the Services, or our or your liabilities to third parties arising from any source.

13.2 In the event that any of the Indemnified Parties is found to be liable to you by a court of competent jurisdiction, you agree that the aggregate liability of the relevant Indemnified Party or Indemnified Parties to you for all claims arising out of or related to these Terms and your use of the Platform and Services will not exceed the total value of the selected Package that was in force when the claim against the relevant Indemnified Parties arose.

13.3 In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Indemnified Parties are not liable to you for any damages or losses (including loss of money, goodwill or reputation, profits, other intangible losses, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages) resulting directly or indirectly from:

  1. the content you provide (directly or indirectly) when using the Services;
  2.  your use of or your inability to use Services or the Platform;
  3. delays or disruptions in the Services or the Platform;
  4.  viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing or linking to the Services or the Platform;
  5.  glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in the Services or the Platform;
  6.  damage to your hardware device from the use of the Services or access to the Platform;
  7.  a suspension or other action taken with respect to your Account in accordance with these Terms; or
  8.  your need to modify practices, content, or behaviour, or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to these Terms or our Packages..

14. Indemnification

14.1 You agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way related to:

  1. your access to, use of, or inability to use the Platform, your Account or the Services;
  2. your breach or alleged breach of these Terms;
  3. your violation of any rights of a third party, including any negligence or wilful misconduct of you, your employees, contractors, representatives or agents, if relevant and as the case may be, or a breach of any contracts or other relationships between you and third parties;
  4. inability to repay your debts or any amounts due;
  5. your violation of any applicable law; or
  6. your failure to provide and maintain true, accurate, current and complete information when creating and registering for an Account, and you shall cooperate as fully and as reasonably required in the defence of any such claim.

14.2 We reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you. You agree not to settle any matter without our prior written consent. This Clause 14 will survive the termination of these Terms and of your Account.

15. Disclaimers

15.1 The services are provided “as is” and “as available” without representation or warranty, whether it is express, implied, or statutory. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing and to the fullest extent permissible by law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

15.2 We do not warrant or guarantee that:

  1. the Services are accurate, reliable or correct;
  2. the Services will meet your requirements or fit for purpose;
  3. that the Services will be available at any particular time or location, uninterrupted, error-free, without defect or secure;
  4. any defects or errors in the Platform and/or the Services will be corrected; and
  5. the Services, information, content, materials, products (including software) or other services included on or otherwise made available to you through the Services, the Platform or electronic communications sent from us are free of viruses or other harmful components.

15.3 When you create an Account and use the Services, you acknowledge and agree that:

  1. we are not a professional firm providing legal, accounting, tax or other forms of professional advice nor are we regulated by any regulatory or supervisory body;
  2. the Services do not constitute legal, accounting, tax or investment advice and will not be relied upon or used by you as such;
  3. the Services are provided for your private use only and should not be shared with any other person without our prior consent; and
  4. in providing the Services, we do not review any information you provide us for accuracy or sufficiency, draw legal conclusions, nor do we provide formal opinions about your selection of forms / documents and how the law may apply to the facts of your situation.

16. Miscellaneous

16.1 These Terms, as amended from time to time, are effective until you terminate your Account or until all amounts due under your Account are paid in full. The following provisions of these Terms shall survive termination of your use or access to the Services: Clauses 11 (Dispute Resolution), 12 (Applicable Law and Jurisdiction), 13 (Limitation of Liability), 14 (Indemnification), 15 (Disclaimers), 16 (Miscellaneous), and any other provision that by its terms survives termination of your use or access to the Services.

16.2 If any provision of these Terms (or any portion thereof) is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Terms shall not be affected thereby and shall be binding upon the parties and shall be enforceable, as though said invalid or unenforceable provision (or portion thereof) were not contained in these Terms.

16.3 These Terms constitute and contain the entire agreement between you and us with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements. You and we acknowledge and agree that the other has not made any representations, warranties or agreements of any kind, except as expressly set forth herein.

16.4 No failure on our part to exercise and no delay on our part in exercising any right under the Terms will operate as a release or waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right preclude any other or further exercise of it.

16.5 Unless indicated otherwise, a person who is not subject to these Terms shall have no right to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any terms under these Terms.

16.4 No failure on our part to exercise and no delay on our part in exercising any right under the Terms will operate as a release or waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right preclude any other or further exercise of it.

16.7 Neither Party shall have any liability under or be deemed to be in breach of these Terms
for any delays or failures in performance of these Terms which result from circumstances beyond the reasonable control of that party, except for payment obligations. The Party affected by such circumstances shall promptly notify the other Party in writing when such circumstances cause a delay or failure in performance and when they cease to do so.

16.8 Any references to the collection of, processing and transfer of a Member’s personal data
in these Terms shall be subject to our Privacy Policy .

17. Questions

If you have any questions, complaints or claims with respect to the Services, please contact us at [email protected]. We will do our best to address your concerns. If you feel that your concerns have been addressed incompletely, we invite you to let us know for further investigation.

ANNEX A: Prohibited Entities, Goods and/or Services

  1. Anonymous or fictitious entities;
  2. Any entities and individuals on sanction lists including but not limited to the such lists maintained by the United Nations or associated with such countries and territories on such sanction lists;
  3. Any entities affiliated with terrorists and individuals designated as terrorists;
  4. Confidential numbered accounts;
  5. Entities related to blacklisted persons;
  6. Shell banks or shell financial institutions;
  7. Unlicensed money lending;
  8. Unlicensed casinos and online casinos;
  9. Casino cruise ships;
  10. Unlicensed casino junkets;
  11. Firearms / weapons;
  12. Ammunition;
  13. Drugs, drug paraphernalia and drug test circumvention aids;
  14. Fireworks and hazardous materials;
  15. Miracle Cures;
  16. Pornography, obscene and adult content;
  17. Sexually oriented materials or services;
  18. Counterfeit and replica goods;
  19. Items or downloads that infringe or violate copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction;
  20. Pyramid or Ponzi scheme, matrix program and other “get rich quick” schemes;
  21. Telemarketing and investment scheme;
  22. Gold;
  23. Items that promote hatred, racism, religious persecution or contain offensive content;
  24. Items encouraging illegal activity;
  25. Human remains and body parts;
  26. Unlicensed multi-level marketing;
  27. Stolen goods including digital and virtual goods;
  28. Activities involving the sale of products or services identified by government agencies to have a high likelihood of being fraudulent; and
  29. Gambling, or any other activity with an entry fee and a prize, including, but not limited to  casino games, sports betting, horse or greyhound racing, lottery tickets, other ventures that facilitate gambling, (whether or not it is legally defined as a lottery) and sweepstakes.